Lift Planning | eLearning Course
The aim of this elearning course is to highlight to those individuals and lift team members with lift plan responsibilities, such as Competent or Appointed Persons, Reviewers, Approvers, Crane Operators and Riggers, the level of detail and content that needs to be considered and included in a lift plan.
The course is designed to be internationally compatible for offshore and onshore environments. It includes the following sections:
Description of the Lift
Load Lifting Points
Lifting Accessories (Rigging)
Lifting Equipment, Appliances, Machinery
Anchor, Fixing or Supporting Points
Additional Equipment
Lift Point, Travel Route, Landing Point and Surrounding Area
Lift Area Control
Environmental Conditions
Lift Team
Operational Behavior
Step-by-step / Method Statement
Technical Drawings, Diagrams, Photographs or Sketches
Lift Categorization
Lift Plan Administration
Toolbox Talk and
Lessons Learned
The successful completion of this course will not deem you competent to plan lifting operations but will set a consistent production standard and supplement and serve as a refresher to your current knowledge.
While completing the course, it is recommended that you take notes. This will assist you when completing the periodic course learning exercises and final test.
A student manual, additional reference material list, and a sample lift plan template are all available under the Menu “Resources” tab, as a teaching aid to use now and as a refresher in the future.
Click HERE to download First Competence's FREE Lift Planning Guide
Click HERE to download a blank Lift Plan Template
Click HERE to purchase First Competence Handbooks, which have been specifically designed as a course handout, for companies to enhance their internal development programmes and for lifting personnel as a reference companion.
Handbooks available are:
Lifting Operations (designed for lift planners)
Rigging and Lifting (designed for lift team members)
Crane Operations (designed for lift team members)